Currently, we are managing Shree Yanjer Gumba Basic School in Nyisal village. Yanjer Gumba has about 40 students. Students from nearby villages of Musi, Ki, and Lhuri come to Nyisal. Some teachers are sent from Kathmandu while some are locals from nearby villages and have to stay in school in order to do their job and there is no alternative. The schools provide free education to the kids while receiving firewood, food items like flour, oil, potatoes, etc from their families in return which will be used by the teachers, and students, during their stay in the school.
We also accept direct sponsorship of the teachers, cooks and stationery materials, books, and other necessary things for the children.
If you are willing to help please fill up the available form (click the “donate” button found under each student) and we will contact you. We will be happy to hear from you, so you can drop an email to us or contact us via our social media links (floating on the right side of the page).